lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

Burn Baby Burn - Editorial

The success of the fire of one of the most important forests of Mexico, in my opinion was crucial and shameful at a time. The surface information of the event which was summarized in a fire which lasted about 6 days and spanned more than eight thousand hectares of the forest. What alarms me ye are ashamed of background data. Was investigated and disseminated that there was voluntary intervention in the fire and within the intent of turning it off also interfered in the act. To make more raw data, the fire was for profit. What the media says is that some company or companies attempt to violate the laws of land and build on since the middle of the fire was the only way to build in certain areas. In an attempt to turn it off homer with a firearm and threatened the brigade participants to turn off and not allow the tragedy to continue. This is the fact that I'm ashamed of my country and in education. What kind of ideology is necessary to cause an ecological tragedy of this magnitude? Comparing myself to other countries and their social situations, I think we are of the few who provocaríamos this. I think that just because certain people generate these mess our society is lost, but unfortunately it is reflected more in the media are such events, the negatives.

Beto Orea 

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