martes, 5 de junio de 2012

Univa Cultural Week - Reportaje

As all we know the cultural week of the Univa High School has just passed, and with it many sensational moments that we lived seeing how the new artists born from ashes and give us a demonstration of excellent cultural skills as music, photography, acting, or a lot of different shows.
Students were waiting for this week science they begin the year because is a very fun week with a lot of different activities than the ordinary ones. This event is so big that this year prepa Univa had the pleasure of receiving to one of the most famous journalists of Mexico, Adela Micha.
Now a list of the most important events of Univa Cultural Week.

This is a show were the best students with the best art skills make a competition showing their skills, dancing , singing, acting, or doing very impressive things. It really was an amazing show, the auditorium was full, it was a complete successful event.

This was a team contest (5 teams) in which a team pass in front of the stage and have to see a video or listen to some parody and then imitate it with different elements that they have there… It was a really fun event and very interesting!

This was a very interesting conference given by Adela Micha, one of the most important journalists of all the country and she talked about social networks and the influence they have in this days. This conference was only given to communication students.

Movilisate is a sports day in which students make a treep through the city in bicycle. This event began and finished in the school, and more than 500 bicicles participated on it. It was an exceptional event!

This probably is the most successful event of all the cultural week with the participation of the most beautiful women and of the most handsome guys the auditorium was completely crazy and finally the winners won 5000 each one. It was a really nice event with a lot of beautiful people!

As this events, the others were successful and make this cultural week the best of all ever! We hope that the next will be a lot better than this, so we can enjoy what this school offers to us!

Alejandro Orozco.

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

The Man Becomes Iron Again

Los Angeles, USA

It have been 1 year since we don't have any news from the Marvel's character Iron Man starring Robert Downey Jr.
Since "The Avengers"was filmed during 2012 it didn't give a chance to the best hero movie of this last years to have a 3rd chance in the big screen.
It wasn't until the day of yesterday that Universal Studios announced that the film of Iron Man 3 will began filming in a couple of weeks.
The movie is expected to be released in May of 2013 with all the same cast as the last 2 movies.
Gwyneth Paltrow (Iron Man, Iron Man 2) like "Pepper Potts", Don Cheadle (Iron Man 2) like "James ´Rhodey´ Rhodes" and Jon Favreau (Iron Man, Iron Man 2) like "Happy Hogan".

Cat-copter - Noticia

Amsterdam, Nederland

It didn't happen to much time from his dead when dutch artist Bart Jansen decided to make a small tribute to his pass away cat Orville, which the artist love without barriers.
This contemporary artist create an helicopter with the dead body of his old friend.
He decided to called it Orville-copter.
His dead pet die in a car accident and to remember him for a long time he immortalized his pet in this visual project of art.
During the Amsterdam Art Fest, the cat flied across all the galleries.

Lossing a Champ - Entrevista Indirecta

In an interview with the Dr. Ismael Fuentes of the soccer team America about the accident that the goalkeeper Moises Muños suffered, he talked about the health state of the goalkeeper saing that Moises is being monitored but apparently his health is in a critic status, but there are still some diagnoses that will help to know his real health status.
The doctor also commented that the accident was on a highway in Michoacan, and a curve caused the rollover of the car in which he was accompanied by his family (wife and two children) who did not suffer major damage, but nevertheless were taken to the hospital for safety reasons.
Doctors doesn’t know if the goalkeeper will be able to play the next 2012 league with his team because they don’t know exactly what type of injuries does the goalkeeper have. At last the Doctor commented that there was not alcohol involved in this accident.

A Doc for a Bone - Entrevista Directa

The interview with Dr. Ismael Fuentes, about the accident that the goalkeeper of the America team soccer Moises Muñoz suffered. 
¿Doctor what is the health state of Moises Muños?
Moises Muñoz is being monitored, but apparently its a critic status, but we will diagnosticate him in a while and will tell you the correct diagnose.
¿How did he suffered the accident? 
Apparently he was driving in the railroad to Morelia 
¿Who was with him at the moment of the accident?
He was in company of his family (his wife and sons) that fortunately didn’t suffer any injuries, but they are in the hospital in observation.
¿Does he will miss the next league?
Its something that I cant answer you right now because we haven’t seen the results of the medical exams.
Finally… Does the goal keeper was drunk in the accident?
No, as I said, he was in a trip with his family so he wasn’t drinking.

Big Fire, Big Hearts - Art. de Opinion

On 23 April, Guadalajara and Jalisco metropolitan area suffered a huge loss, which is about twenty thousand acres of forest in the spring, one of the largest in the state lungs. It was known that the fire was caused by burning garbage early that were not controlled properly, but aired later that the fire was not accidental properly. The intentions of building in the area were destroyed which complicated the event, inside the burning time of a group of people prevented in some way control the fire. The fire was total mind controlled after six days from the start. The remnants of the fire did not affect only the forest but it to the city of Guadalajara and surrounding areas to the forest and the amount of smoke produced is not allowed to leave certain areas outdoors. Secretaries are currently observing the state of the forest to prevent re knotting it. The population is taking measures of health precacion to avoid major consequences.Deshacer cambios

Beto Orea

Guadalajara in Darkness - Cronica

It all began on the morning of April 23 when people realized that something was going wrong and it seemed like a  fire. Immediately, local authorities began to act but the fire was too strong and the flames were spreading more and more which took 24 hours of attempt to control what was already in major fire in the woods of spring. On the morning of April 24 was not just a small area if there were already a thousand hectares of forest, equivalent to ten times the Guadalajara metropolitan park. In the attempt to smother the flames came within several rumors as fact that the fire was caused by a man who had to do business with the burned area. On April 25 there were three thousand acres destroyed by fire and there was an event that defined the reasons for the fire that was to hand armed men who threatened them not to follow brigade in an attempt to extinguish the fire. This event follows on from another 72 hours of fire were consuming another five thousand acres of this ecosystem. The government slow to take action on the matter but were finally able to control the fire from a total of 144 hours finally just eight hectares of the major state lungs.
Beto Orea

Burn Baby Burn - Editorial

The success of the fire of one of the most important forests of Mexico, in my opinion was crucial and shameful at a time. The surface information of the event which was summarized in a fire which lasted about 6 days and spanned more than eight thousand hectares of the forest. What alarms me ye are ashamed of background data. Was investigated and disseminated that there was voluntary intervention in the fire and within the intent of turning it off also interfered in the act. To make more raw data, the fire was for profit. What the media says is that some company or companies attempt to violate the laws of land and build on since the middle of the fire was the only way to build in certain areas. In an attempt to turn it off homer with a firearm and threatened the brigade participants to turn off and not allow the tragedy to continue. This is the fact that I'm ashamed of my country and in education. What kind of ideology is necessary to cause an ecological tragedy of this magnitude? Comparing myself to other countries and their social situations, I think we are of the few who provocaríamos this. I think that just because certain people generate these mess our society is lost, but unfortunately it is reflected more in the media are such events, the negatives.

Beto Orea 

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

Everyday Closer to Hell - Noticia

Zapotlan el Grande, Jalisco
30 Mayo del 2012 

It was in a small village on the outskirts of Zapopan where a small but powerful earthquake  with plows stables which where located in the place. It was estimated that an earthquake with an intensity of 8.4 on the Richter scale that only affected an area approximately 30 square kilometers, they where reported some damage but no human loss to mourn. The damage itself was calculated at several thousand dollars but were mostly those who were affected crops of which were the lands leased by Mr. Maria Guadalupe Ortiz. Who shows that in their cornfields, the ground where he used to plant his daily breath was opened by the earthquake creating a gap of over 2 km long and 1 feet deep in which Lupe can introduce himself . The authorities have already been reported and the Mexico Secretary of Agriculture shall work in the matter by replacing the opened gap with dirt and paying the agricultures the value of the lossen fields. 

 In the picture we can appreciate the gap in which Mr. Lupe can squeeze himself in the middle of hos corn fields.